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Logotypy Unii Europejskiej

Function of money in time

(Funkcja pieniądza w czasie)

  • The supervisor of the project: Sławomir Czubaj
  • The project was made by Dańko Joanna and Sawicki Łukasz.

The description of the programme:

This programme facilitates calculation of money value in time by means of following functions: investment, saving, credit, speculation, investment (of capital) and funding. Three of them are forward-looking as far as the calculations are concerned. They issue from present value. While next three functions ‘remain in the present' and are based on expected future value. In order to realize out plans we used free programme called Delphi Personal v. 7.0 of Borland company. This programme is used at schools during programming classes.



Main window is presented in the picture above. The buttons form 1 do 6 are used to calculation of chosen financial function. Each functions uses adequate formula:



7 - System calculator of Windows
8 - Personal data of the authors and contact numbers.
9 - Help, includes information about individual financial function and its formula, explains also signs used in formulas.
10 - Cleans displayed scores
11 - Exit

When you write inadequate data or not finish the calculation of selected function, following statement will be displayed in new window ‘Data entry error'.
